Here you can find all research publications in Agtech Sweden

A proposal to rethink agriculture in the climate calculations (I tidskriften: Agronomy Journal, vol 112, nr 4, 2020, s. 3216-322)

Agricultural Innovation and the Role of Institutions: Lessons from the Game of Drones (I tidskriften: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Springer-Nature, vol. 32, nr 5-6, 2019, s. 681–707)

Agtech 2030 – building a research domain and an innovation platform (Collaborative Research Seminar Series 2018/2019: Business Administration, information Systems, Industrial marketing, Industrial Management, Quality Technology and Management, Logistics Management and Operations Management, Linköping University, 13 maj, 2019)

Agtech 2030 and a note on hydraulics revolutions – From Ferguson to HILA (The Hydraulics Days, Hydraulikdagarna, Linköpings universitet, 4-5 juni, 2019)

Agtech Competence: Urgent Needs and Possible Pathways (Proceedings of The International Scientific Conference “Agricultural Mechanization and Technology in Europe and Perspectives”, Tbilisi, Georgien, 27-28 maj, 2022, s. 38–43)

Approximations of population growth in a noisy environment: on the dichotomy of non-age and age structure (I tidskriften: Theoretical Ecology, vol. 12, nr 1, 2019. s. 99-110)

Back to the root causes of war: food shortages (The Lancet, vol. 393, 9 mars, 2019, s. 981–982)

Can agtech innovation dissolve goal contradictions? (The 4th NJF – EurAgEng – Agromek Joint Seminar, Herning, 29-30 November, 2022, s. 25–26)

Combined analysis of satellite and ground data for winter wheat yield forecasting (I tidskriften: Smart Agricultural Technology, 9 Augusti, 2022)

Cooperation Patterns Among Swedish Farmers: Towards A Typology Of Constellation-based Business Models (Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA, 3-6 juni, 2020)

Density-Dependent Feedback in Age-Structured Populations (I tidskriften: Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 242, nr 1, 2019, s. 2-24)

Drones: The airtech revolution agriculture (I tidskriften: DLG Agrifuture, 17 au-gusti 2019)

Dynamical behaviour of SIR model with coinfection: The case of finite carrying capacity (I tidskriften: Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, vol. 42, nr 17, 2019, s. 5805-5826)

Energy Solutions for Agricultural Machinery – From the Oil Era Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy (I boken: Bio#Futures – Foreseeing and Exploring the Bioeconomy, Springer Nature, s. 310–348)

Global stability and persistence of complex foodwebs (I tidskriften: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, vol. 198, nr 5, 2019, s. 1693-1709)

Identifying the resource integration processes of green service (I tidskriften: Journal of Service Management, vol. 31 nr 4, s. 839-859, 2020)

Inget klöver utan matematik. En studie av matematik i yrkesutbildning och yrkesliv (Doktorsavhandling, Linköpings universitet: Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, 2016)

Innovation är att nyttiggöra något nytt och nyttigt (Läkartidningen, vol. 116, nr 46, 2019, s. 1832-1835)

Innovation in Swedish horticulture (24th European Seminar on Extension and Education, 18-21 June 2019, Acireale, Italy)

Innovationer i den gröna näringen: En möjlighet för landsbygden (I boken: Entreprenörskap för en levande landsbygd: 15 texter om landsbygdsutveckling och entreprenörskap i Norrland, Familjen Kamprads stiftelse, s. 165-182, 2019)

Innovative cooperation for crisis preparedness: A farm sector synergy perspective (Nordic Association of Agricultural Science Seminar ”Crises Preparedness in Agriculture”, 26-27 November 2018, Uppsala)

Jag skulle aldrig våga flyga med en skördetröska: Slutrapport från KSLA:s kommitté för teknik i de gröna näringarna (I tidskriften Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens Tidskrift, nr 3, årgång 160)

Mathematical analysis of complex SIR model with coinfection and density dependence (I tidskriften: Computational and Mathematical Methods, vol. 1, nr 4, 2019)

Ngulia: Tracking rangers, rhinos, and poachers (Project ISIF perspectives on in-formation fusion, vol. 1, nr 1, juni 2016, s. 3-15)

Organisational sustainability in Swedish farming sector through collaboration and constellation-based business models (Forum för arbetslivsforskning, 2019, ”Hållbar utveckling i organisationer”, Arbetets museum, Norrköping, 10-12 juni)

Revisiting Industrial Organization: Product Service Systems Insight (I tidskriften: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 196, 2018, s. 1459–1477)

Så introducerades traktorn i det svenska lantbruket (I tidskriften: Historisk tidskrift, vol. 138, nr 2, 2018. s. 327–333)

Seven megatrends that call for impact innovation in food production (40th IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, IASP 2023, Luxembourg 12-15 september, 2023)

Stiff Competition: The Economic Value of Starch from Agricultural Crops (I tidskriften Pulse, utgiven av The Linnean Society of London, nr 42, 2019, s. 6–7)

Stöd och utveckling av små och nya företag i landsbygdsregioner (I boken: Entreprenörskap för en levande landsbygd: 15 texter om landsbygdsutveckling och entreprenörskap i Norrland, Familjen Kamprads stiftelse, s. 165–182)

Support and development of small and new firms in rural areas: a case study of three regional initiatives (I tidskriften: SN Applied Sciences, vol. 2, nr 1, 2019, s. 1-9)

Svenssons svindlande affärer – Snilleblixten som räddade Kolmården (Fantasi & Fakta)

The role of innovation intermediary organisations in forming value creating meetings: the agri-food firm perspective (I tidskriften: International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2021, s. 993–1004)

The value of innovation intermediary organizations: the agri-food firm perspective (30th World Conference of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Food for the Future, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 15-18 juni, 2020)

Towards a typology of cooperation-based business models in agriculture (30th world conference 2020, ”Food for the future”, Rotterdam, Nederländerna, 15-18 juni, 2020)

Towards the fifth innovation era in agricultural innovation (I boken: Agricultural Bioeconomy: Innovation and Foresight in Post-COVID Era, Academic Press/Elsevier, s. 215-230)